School of Human&Health Sciences / Events / Wed 31 Mar 2021
Mothers living apart from children in pandemic

Join us for a FREE webinar to launch I had to dig deep, the illustrated special edition by the WomenCentre's Mothers Apart - Common Threads Collective which explores mothers’ lived experiences of separation from children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Based within WomenCentre in Kirklees, the Common Threads Collective grew from the Mothers Living Apart from their Children project bringing together women with lived experience of separation from children and allies of the work. I had to dig deep invited women to share their experiences in whatever way they could, and professional artist Candice Purwin produced beautiful images in response to women’s contributions. Candice will speak and present her artwork for the project at this event.
This is an open event for anyone with an interest whether personal or professional. We especially hope those with personal experience of care proceedings will join us.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mothers-living-apart-from-children-and-isolation-in-the-2020-pandemic-tickets-145085636043