Satellite Arts / Events / Thu 09 Jul to Fri 28 Aug 2015 (2 months)
On The Bus

On The Bus, is a sunny summer story told with live music, magic, puppets and songs. It has been made especially for young children by Satellite Arts.
Grandy is a musical bus driver. When his passengers leave the bus he finds some lost property, including a comical goose! Grandy searches for the bird’s owner. The owner rewards Grandy by giving him some seeds. With the seeds the children help Grandy create a sunny surprise!
Our summer show will be touring in schools and libraries in Kirklees and West Yorkshire during July and August 2015.
Please get in touch for more details or to book a show for your community venue in the summer.
For more information visit http://www.satellitearts.org.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.satellitearts.org.uk/