We went to Homelands School on Monday and Tuesday this week and talked to year 6 about who their encourageres were and who inspired them. Were they people that they knew, like family, or people that they'd never met? Then we talked about what it takes to be an encourager and by the end of the two days they'd thought about ways to encourage each other.
Then our attention turned to dreams and making things happen and we saw some films about people who'd followed what they most enjoyed and found success for themselves in the way they chose. They kind of enjoyed the infuraiting game about making choices!
What it a pleasure it was to listen to their stories and turn their attention to thinking about themselves and encouraging them to take steps towards the things they like. It's not often that two artists get to spend two days with one class, (unfortunately!) the teacher also said at the end "It’s been good to have the chance to spend 2 days on this and the group responded really well to that. They don’t usually have that chance." The class looked like they loved making their boxes and there were 30 very fine 'Magic Boxes' by the time we'd finished.
Here's a few of the stories and poems I've shaped from what they told me - look at Hugh Nankivell's page on here for more.......
Day 1
French Flag
I went on holiday and I won a big teddy in a competition
They gave out numbers and my number was called out
I gave the teddy to my brothers
My brothers are my encouragers
My brothers are my encouragers
We all go to the playing field
When we’re there they train me to play football
They always tell me ‘keep going! You’re doing great’.
My Dad’s a Diver
This is a picture of deep under the sea
My Dad’s a diver
This is a picture of a shoal of silver fish
He teaches me snorkelling
He helps me put my mind to it
He never lets me give up
My Dad the diver
This side - That side
That’s my cup-a-tea side
That’s my sport side
That’s my music side
That’s my favourite film actors and actresses side
That’s my school side
Day 2
Zoologist/ Scientist/ Zoo Keeper.
I’ve always been interested in animals from as young as I can remember. When I was born we had 2 horses, 1 guinea pig, maybe a dog I’m not really sure – o’h and nine fish. Then, when I got a bit older my dad said there was a job called a zoologist. I looked it up on line and found out all about it and I saw people on the telly who do it and they say they really love their jobs. I love animals and I’ve been to lots of zoos. I like watching them get cleaned out and looked after with all the straw and food and stuff. From then on I wanted to be a zoologist for the rest of my life so far.
Bike Picture
my uncle
went to cycle
round Cuba
that’s the bike
he went on
and trained on
he told me
if you want
to do something
no matter
how big
something is
you should
give up
21st century read or i-can
I just like put loads of books and apps on there as I like reading. Books are really expensive and on there I can change colours and fonts and if it hurts my eyes I can put it to a night time feature. I like Sherlock Holmes, vampire books and the Avengers new series. It inspires me to draw stuff about it. Every time I read a book I draw stuff and doodle about it and I can draw on my Nintendo DS.
Fresh Prince – Fresh Peace
I like watching the Fresh Prince of Bel-air. If I’m angry I just watch it and it calms me down. If my sister’s annoying me I can shut my door and watch it.