All framing is bespoke and is completed on the premises. Selecting the right frame and mount is crucial in enhancing the overall effect of the picture and how it compliments its surroundings. We hold a vast selection of over 300 frame styles and over 60 mount colours in stock. All framing is carried out using the finest materials, such as white core, pH buffered mountboard and options for specialist glass.
At Sands Road Framing Shop you discuss your requirements with the picture framer not a salesperson.
Services we offer include:
. Hand stretching x-stitches, embroideries, tapestries and any other fabrics so they are flat & straight, using a traditional t-pinning method.
. Hand stretching paintings on canvas onto custom made wooden stretcher bars.
. Vacuum press; to flatten posters and photographs to prevent them from wrinkling & cockling.
. Hand finishing of mouldings with stain, wax or paint finishes.
. Full archival and conservation grade framing standards, if required.
. Box framing for 3D items. Have a look on our web site ideas page where we have examples of many of our customers' box frames.
. Various decorative mounting options, such as oval, deep bevel, overlay, V-groove, double mounts, float and hover mounting and fillet slips.
For more information visit http://sandsroadframing.co.uk/
Space Location
Sands Road Framing Shop
10-12 Sands Road
Telephone: 01803 554 583
Email: enquiries@sandsroadframing.co.uk
Website: http://sandsroadframing.co.uk/