Sam Hodgson / News / Mon 15 Aug 2022
Making Tracks: The Arrival of the Train

Songwriter Sam Hodgson (aka Samh) and Pedlaz Cycling Club will be cycling from Dewsbury Train Station to Huddersfield Train Station on 21st August to commemorate the arrival of the first train to Huddersfield, 175 years ago. They aim to arrive at the station by 1pm, just in time for the White Line Celebrations at St. George’s Square. Samh will be using this cycling experience to write songs about cycling for a new project entitled Making Tracks.
For more information visit: www.samhsong.com/makingtracks
The project is a collaboration between: Samh Song, Pedlaz Cycling Club, Manasamitra, and Huddersfield High Street Action Zone.
It has been funded by High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) programme, a government funded scheme led by Historic England, in partnership with Kirklees Council and City Connect.
The White Line Celebrations are in association with: Huddersfield High Street Action Zone & Let’s Go Yorkshire.
For more information visit https://www.samhsong.com/makingtracks