Sally Taylor / Events / Sat 10 Sep to Sat 01 Oct 2022 (3 weeks)
Herts Open Studios at Junction7Creatives

from Saturday 10th Sept through to 1st October I will be exhibiting animal paintings and illustrations at Junction7Creatives in Stevenage. Open Tuesdays, Thursdays from 11am - 4pm and Sat 10th Sept and 1st Oct, 11am - 4pm you will have a friendly greeting, see 4 artists amazing work which is all for sale. Greetings Cards, Gifts and Books are also available to purchase. Come and meet the artists, see live art demonstrations and share some time in this wonderful community gallery. On Thurs 29th (2 - 7pm) will will be hosting an art and open-mic - an extra buzz!! Entry is free.
For more information visit https://www.hvaf.org.uk/open-studios/2022/creative4jct7
Event Location
Junction 7 Creatives
17 Town Square,
Telephone: 07813 943 921
Email: sally@sallyanndesigns.co.uk
Website: https://www.hvaf.org.uk/open-studios/2022/creative4jct7