sally d / Opportunities / Fri 31 Jul 2020
Dacorum Community Choir Rehearsals at Home

In normal times the Dacorum Community Choir meets on Tuesday mornings in the Church of the Resurrection and new members are welcome at any time.
While we're not able to meet face to face, our musical director, Rufus Frowde, is providing virtual rehearsals on line from his dining room in Hitchin. These are available to our singers, families and friends, and members of the public.
The rehearsals are uploaded each Tuesday morning on to You Tube, just click below, and they'll be available in term time until we resume rehearsals in Grovehill whenever that may be https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1YArTD4wncAYkzk6VDthQ.
For more details about us see our website and our facebook page.
For more information visit http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/
Opportunity Location
At Home
13 Hamilton Road
Hunton Bridge
Telephone: 07890 288 859
Email: sallydavies41@icloud.com
Website: http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/