sally d / Events / Sat 14 Mar 2020
Dacorum Community Choir Spring Concert in Tring

Our next big event is a Spring Concert starting at 6.30pm on Saturday 14th March at the beautiful church of St Peter & St Paul in Tring.
We have two soloists, Martin Hindmarsh, tenor and the Gildas Quartet. The choir will be singing a varied programme from the 16th century round, via swing and the Beatles to bang up to date with a second performance of "Were I not to Sing?", composed for us by our multi-talented MD, Rufus Frowde, to words by the Revd. Austin Janes, in celebration of the choir's 10th Anniversary last November.
Tickets are £10 (under 10's £5) and can be bought on the door, from choir members or from 01923 260440.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/dacorumcommunitychoir/
Event Location
St Peter & St Paul Anglican Church, Tring
Church Yard,
HP23 5AE
Telephone: 01923 260 440
Email: sallydavies.41@icloud.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/dacorumcommunitychoir/