In normal times the Dacorum Community Choir meets on Tuesday mornings in Grovehill.
Whilst this is not possible, our musical director, Rufus, is providing virtual rehearsals on line from his dining room in Hitchin. These are available to our singers, our families and friends, and members of the public. They are uploaded each Tuesday morning on to You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1YArTD4wncAYkzk6VDthQ. You can find the first three rehearsals, starting with April 21 on there and they will be updated each week, though there might be a slight delay in accessing them
See our website www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org and our facebook page, Dacorum Community Choir, for further details about us and access to some of our rehearsal songs songs.
For more information visit http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/
News Location
At Home
13 Hamilton Road
Hunton Bridge
Telephone: 07890 288 859
Email: sallydavies41@icloud.com
Website: http://www.dacorumcommunitychoir.org/