SAASH Arts / News / Mon 23 Sep 2013
WATER: THE BIGGER PICTURE a photo competition for Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire is one of the driest regions in the country. We are
also one of the biggest users of water with each person using
12 litres more per day than the national average.
Green our Herts is a county wide partnership of local authorities
and voluntary organisations aiming to promote environmental
issues and solutions in Hertfordshire.
We’re looking for residents to help us promote water
conservation across the county by providing powerful and
creative photos which capture the title of Water and tells us why
it is important to save water.
Send us your photo and WIN up to £75 shopping vouchers!
To enter the competition, send us your photo with a snappy title
and short description of how your photo conveys why you think it
is important to save water. Entries will be judged on the creative
and effective delivery of the water saving message.
Winning photos will be displayed in a local exhibition and
also be awarded the following Prizes:
First place £75 SayShopping Pass vouchers
Second place: £50 SayShopping Pass vouchers
Third place: £25 SayShopping Pass vouchers
These can be used in 1000’s of retailers nationwide.
Full instructions, Terms and Conditions are available at
How to enter:
Photos need to be saved in JPG or TIFF format and be no larger than 6MB
in size. Photos should be good enough quality to print (ideally at least 230
dpi). If your image is selected for print you will be required to submit the
original file.
Entries should be emailed by 5pm on Fri 22nd November to
waterphoto@stalbans.gov.uk. Please include your full name, age,
address and contact number. You also need to include a photo title and a
description that conveys why you think it is important to save water (max
150 words).
Terms and Conditions:
Deadline for entry is 5pm Fri 22nd November
The competition is open to Hertfordshire residents only and the photo must
have been taken within Hertfordshire.
Up to 3 entries per person. Competition is open to all ages and abilities.
By submitting images the entrant assures that the image is their original
work and no copyright or trademark infringement rights have been violated.
It is the entrant’s responsibility to obtain all necessary permissions from any
person featured in a photograph. Any image featuring minors should also
include a release form signed by parent or guardian.
By entering this competition the photographer agrees to the Herts
Sustainability Forum using the image for possible exhibition, publication or
promotional use in connection with water saving campaigns. Copyright will
remain with the photographer who will be credited in all instances.
Entries will be judged by a panel of the Herts Sustainability Forum. This
group includes representatives from Hertfordshire District Councils and
environmental groups. Entries will be judged on the applicant’s creative and
effective delivery of the water saving message. The judges' decision is final
and no correspondence will be entered into.
Winners will be notified by Friday 20th December. Prizes are nonnegotiable
and non-transferable.
Contact details will only be used to contact the winner and will not be used
or passed on in any other way.