SAASH Arts / News / Mon 22 Jul 2013
Olympic 2012 Recycled - Local St Albans Schools Celebrate!

8 July 2012: Fleetville, St Albans
Olympic banners and bunting welcome the Torch Relay - St Albans residents celebrate!
14 June 2013: Fleetville Junior School, St Albans
Olympic banners and bunting become bird nests, icosahedrons, hacky sacks, teepees and a litter-crunching chimeracyle
Recycling champions from 5 local schools - Fleetville Juniors, Oakwood, Prae Wood, The Camp and Garden Fields, artists, The Mayor and guests celebrate!
The Mayor of St Albans and City and District praised the creative talents of primary school pupils for turning Olympic-branded bunting and banners into artwork. The Mayor, Cllr Annie Brewster, joined pupils to view their creations at a celebratory launch event at Fleetville Junior School on 14 June.
The idea for the initiative came from Rosie Fletcher, a Year 4 student at Fleetville, who suggested that the Council should recycle its Olympic branded materials - other Hertfordshire authorities and the Welwyn Wot-Ever Scrap Store also donated materials.
This project promoted recycling, and provided a reminder of the Olympic Torch Relay and Paralympic Flame coming to St Albans during London 2012. Thanks to the students and artists, the materials have been 100% recycled and the memories and inspiration of London 2012 will live on.
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