SAASH Arts / Events / Sun 06 Oct to Sat 02 Nov 2013 (4 weeks)
The Big Draw 2013 in St Albans

This October once again SAASH ARTS in partnership with many other St Albans organisations will be organising a series of visual art workshops across the District as part of the national Big Draw campaign, most of which are FREE, drop-in and open to ALL AGES (unless otherwise stated below). Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
This year's Big Draw theme is ‘Draw Tomorrow’. Take part in fun activities and draw what the future might look like. Where will you be and what will you do? What will your hometown look like in the future? What can we do to make the world a happier place? Create future organisms: can we learn from sea creatures that see in the dark? Can future flowers help protect bees? Join in drawing the things which you would most like to improve – anything from clothes to buildings, food to transport, museums to playgrounds. Some of the work created will be put on display in the District.
Sunday 6 October
12.30pm – 2.30pm
Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, Saint Albans, AL4 0JQ
Trestle Arts Base will be brought to life in a fun drawing workshop inspired by Aesop’s Fables. We will imagine and draw animals and creatures of the future and conjure up future fables.
Following the workshop, come and see a wonderful performance with masks, singing, puppets, four human beings and a large amount of silliness. Small Nose Theatre’s production of Aesop’s Fables is at 2.30 pm. All ages and abilities welcome.
Free event. Aesop’s Fables is ticketed (£12 Adult /£10 Concessions)
Saturday 26 October
10.30 am – 5 pm
Get into the City Centre early to follow the exciting trail of FREE Big Draw activities. SAASH Arts will be delivering sessions inside and outside the Town Hall, and elsewhere in the City Centre.
Let’s make history
12.30 pm – 1.45 pm & 2.15 – 3.30 pm
Verulamium Museum, St Michaels Street, St Albans, AL3 4SW
Make your own piece of art to take home with you, using wire and other materials inspired by the Museum collection.
Please book in advance by contacting Melissa on 01727 827667 or emailing Melissa.caneppele@leisureconnection.co.uk
Culture Cart
10.30 – 3.30 pm
Outside Town Hall, Market Square, St Albans, AL3 5DJ
Join Tom and the Culture cart at a stall outside the town hall, and have a go at designing drawings inspired by ideas of future society, technology and natural environment and add to this collaborative lino print for display in the City Centre.
3D Organisms of the Future
11.30 am – 1 pm & 1.30 pm – 3 pm
Upstairs at Town Hall, Market Square, St Albans, AL3 5DJ
Get creative and design 3D Organisms of the Future from paper and textured materials upstairs at the Town Hall. The work produced on this session will be made into a Sculpture to be displayed in the City Centre.
Please book in advance by contacting Melissa on 01727 827667 or emailing Melissa.caneppele@leisureconnection.co.uk
This years Big Draw Sculpture Project marks the launch of a new Public Art Initiative from St Albans Arts Team, ‘PopUpArt’, which will see several commissions each year for innovative and inspiring public art works. Anyone interested in submitting a proposal should contact grae.wall@leisureconnection.co.uk.
Creatures of the New Age
1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Maltings Central Library, The Maltings, AL1 3HL
The Library Service is inviting Big Draw event goers to take inspiration from children’s books about underwater creatures. Visitors to the Maltings Central Library will be able to add their drawings to a natural environment ‘mural’ which will later be on display in the library, to create a unique piece of artwork. This event will run alongside ‘Storytime’.
Tracing the lines of our Future
10.30 am – 3.30 pm
Maltings Shopping Centre, Level 2, St Albans, AL1 3HL
Drop in and try your hand at using technology to create drawings with Jim Bond’s innovative drawing machines.
Halloween Haunts into the Unknown
10.30 - 5 pm
Waterstones, 8 St Peter’s St, St Albans, AL1 3LF
Waterstones will be having a Big Draw Halloween themed day with plenty of spooky activities for your little ones to get their teeth into! Dawn Finch will also be present on the day to launch her gripping novel ‘Brotherhood of Shades’.
Hope of Wrecks
3 pm – 5 pm
Museum of St Albans, 9a Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 3RR
At the ‘Hope of Wrecks’ drawing workshop we shall be drawing to gather information, exploring ways of seeing and mark-making, questioning material, articulating form, surveying space and focussing on individual interpretation. There will be an emphasis on context rather than rules in the hope to achieve 'change' in how you see.
Bring anything along, an open mind and cameras if needed.
Materials provided. Mixed ability. Free drop in event. Aimed at ages 16 +.
Monday 28 October
1 pm – 3 pm
Gazebo at Oysterfields Open Space, Temple View, AL3 5UW
Make drawings inspired by ideas of future landscapes and technology and make your own lino print to take home. This is a drop in activity suitable for all ages. This session is delivered in partnership with Aldwyck Housing. Free event.
Monday 28 October
3pm – 5pm
Marshalswick Community Centre, The Ridgeway, AL4 9TU
Fun, lighthearted activity suitable for all ages – drop in to design your own future organism based on the stories of underwater creatures. Story telling by the Library Service included. Free event.
Tuesday 29 October
1.30pm – 3.30pm
Museum of St Albans, 9a Hatfield Road, St Albans. AL1 3RR
Make drawings inspired by ideas of future landscapes and technology and make your own lino print to take home. This is a drop in activity for all ages. All ages welcome, no drawing experience necessary! Free event.
Wednesday 30 October
2 pm – 4 pm
Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead, St Albans, AL4 8AY
Drop in to design your own organism of the future based on stories of underwater creatures. Story telling by the Library Service included. Fun,light-hearted activity suitable for all ages. Free event.
Thursday 31st October
10.30am - 3pm
St Albans Cathedral, Sumpter Yard, St Albans, AL1 1BY
Budding artists, young and old, are invited to explore the Cathedral and create their very own masterpieces inspired by the theme of this year’s Big Draw – Draw Tomorrow. Many of the ideas in this wonderful old building seemed futuristic in their time - now let the building inspire you to Draw Tomorrow. We will supply the equipment and ideas while you draw.
This is a drop in event. The event is FREE for all the family. For more info, visit www.stalbanscathedral.org or call 01727 860780.
Saturday 2 November
11 am – 3 pm
Butterfly World, Miriam Lane, Off Noke Lane, St. Albans, AL2 3NY
For more details of this event call 01727 869 203 or visit www.butterflyworldproject.com
For more information about any of the Big Draw events featured here or to book a workshop, contact the SAASH Arts team on 01727 827667, email melissa.caneppele@leisureconnection.co.uk or visit www.enjoystalbans.com/whats-on
For more information visit http://www.enjoystalbans.com/whats-on/
Event Location
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 819 203
Email: melissa.caneppele@leisureconnection.co.uk
Website: http://www.enjoystalbans.com/whats-on/