SAASH Arts / News / Mon 22 Jul 2013
Alban Street Party Green Procession - Mandela Meets Ghandi!

Working with the St Albans Arts Development Team, the St Albans Cathedral Education Officer and St Albans District Council, we re-interpreted the story of Alban and his legacy as:
'an ordinary bloke who did an extraordinary thing'
Children from 5 local schools, Mandeville, Wheatfields, Park Street, Sandridge and Killigrew investigated people from history or contemporary life, who fulfilled this criteria. These chosen characters, including Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Emmeline Pankhurst and Martin Luther-King, were depicted on hand designed t-shirts and life size paper cast figures, created in the style of Antony Gormley, and formed part of the Alban Street Party Green Procession on Sunday 23 June. Led by The Mayor, 200 children and 30 figures were paraded through St Peter's Street, as a culmination and celebration of their creative casting talents.
To tie in with the Magna Carta 800: Celebrations in St Albans, from 2 August - 15 September, we are featuring some of the figures that link with human rights in the Museum of St Albans, the Clock Tower and the Abbey & Cathedral of St Abans. Meet them in the Museum galleries, climb the stairs and greet them on each floor and on the roof at the Clock Tower and discover them sitting in the Nave at the Abbey!
If you would like further details, please contact:
Chris Blanch, Arts Development Officer
St Albans Arts Development Team
News Location
Telephone: 01727 819 303
Email: chris.blanch@leisureconnection.co.uk