RSCM St Albans Area / Events / Sat 29 Mar 2014
RSCM St Albans Area Choirs Festival

Area Choirs Festival 2014
St Albans Abbey, Saturday 29th March 2014
Service at 5pm, Check in at 2pm (for the afternoon rehearsal)
Choral Evensong conducted by Andrew Lucas with The Cathedral Choir and Tom Winpenny (organ)
•Introit: Prayer of Henry VI (Henry Ley)
•Canticles: Stanford in C
•Anthem: Hear my words (Parry)
•Ave Maria (Bruckner)
The copyright free files can be downloaded by clicking on links on the website http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/?page_id=1533. Responses will be the setting by Ebdon, and this will be supplied – at no extra charge. Ditto the hymns and Psalm.
There will be three (full) regional rehearsals this time, all led by Chris Muhley and Roger Carter:
•Monday 10th February at St Mary’s Goldington 19:30 – 21:00
•Tuesday 11th February at St Mary’s Hitchin 19:30 – 21:00
•Wednesday 26th February at St John’s Boxmoor 19:30 – 21:00
In addition, there is a trebles-only Rehearsal with Marie Price and Roger Carter:
•Sunday 2nd March 15.00 – 16.30 – The Abbey Primary School, St Albans
The closing date for entries is Sunday 9th February.
Just to reiterate: there will be NO FESTIVAL SERVICE BOOK this year; we are asking people to print out and bring their own copies; other music as noted above will be supplied for the rehearsals.
Costs: Adults £5, Children (18 and under) £1
N.B. Bishop’s and Dean’s Award certificates for candidates successful over the past two years will be handed out at this event; this forming an important and integral part of the festival service.
Booking Form – Area Choirs Festival 2014 Saturday, 29th March 2014 - http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/?page_id=1533
For more information visit http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/?page_id=1533
Event Location
St Albans Cathedral
Telephone: 01442 257 023
Email: office@rscm-stalbans.co.uk
Website: http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/?page_id=1533