RSCM St Albans Area St Albans Hertford and Bedford Area RSCM
Our Mission
The Royal School of Church Music (often referred to as the RSCM) is a worldwide charity dedicated to promoting music in every style of Christian worship and every denomination.
Its motto is ‘to sing with the spirit and the understanding also’ and this points to its dual role of encouraging musicians and raising standards.
The RSCM now numbers over 11,000 members and affiliates worldwide, whose common belief is that Christian worship is enriched by good music, used effectively.
Members are offered support and guidance through local and national events and publications.
A programme of events is organised throughout the Area for organists, choir trainers and singers of all ages and experience. Details of these are published on this website, which is updated regularly.
Local Voluntary Networks
A significant amount of RSCM work is carried out through local voluntary networks, which are based on geographical location, broadly centred on Anglican Cathedrals. The St Albans, Hertford and Bedford Area is one such region, and events here may take place as far afield as Bedford, Hertford and Watford, for example, as well as in St Albans Abbey, which offers a dramatic setting for large-scale choirs festivals.
View my website http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/
My Location
Website: http://www.rscm-stalbans.co.uk/
My Events
RSCM St Albans Area Choirs Festival / Sat 29 Mar 2014
Area Choirs Festival 2014 St Albans Abbey, Saturday 29th March 2014 Service at 5pm, Check in at 2pm (for the afternoon rehearsal) Choral Even...