BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/culture-change-conference-2015-registration-14373584779
Join us for our Culture Change Conference at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, on 18th February 2015.
Bringing together artists, designer/makers, creative freelancers and organisations, this conference will make connections across our sector, and explore a more sustainable future for the arts.
Whether you are celebrating your achievements with Culture Change, or are just beginning your journey, come along to experience an inspiring day of speakers, workshops and performances.
Meet like-minded creatives, and build potential business relationships, in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.
We are thrilled to announce that international designer and festival director, Wayne Hemingway MBE, will be speaking on the day.
You will also have the chance to hear from:
•Visionary leaders within the creative sector
•Key influencers shaping the future for the hub of creative industries in the East of England
•Trailblazers and experts in environmental sustainability
•Range of exhibitors showcasing local suppliers, artwork and opportunities
Check out the full list of speakers who will be appearing here, including Alex Beard (Chief Executive, Royal Opera House), Alison Tickell (Director, Julie's Bicycle), Charlotte Jones (Director, ITC), Ali Pretty (Kinetika) and many more.
Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to succeed for the long term…
Choose from a variety of practical workshops that will share best practice and advice to help you grow your business:
#1 Valuing What You Do
How should you value your work, and how can you communicate this value to business partners, collaborators and the people you work with? Charlotte Jones and Helen Cadwallader look at value in the context of the performing arts, and discuss how environmental sustainability and inclusivity can bring value to your business.
Speakers: Charlotte Jones, Chief Executive, ITC and Helen Cadwallader, Director, ISAN UK
#2 Telling Your Story
Good branding is about building a meaningful connection with the people who matter to us, and shared values are at the heart of this relationship. Ethical branding expert, Martin Roach, will lead a workshop on how to grow your audiences and customers by building a brand and communications strategy that's sustainable, authentic and lasting.
Led by Martin Roach, Director of Innovation, Brands with Values
#3 Financing Change
Whether you're a start-up looking for an injection into your brilliant business idea, or a business looking to save costs and fund sustainability projects, this workshop will look at the opportunities and alternative funding platforms available. With case studies on partnership working with local authorities, to crowdfunding and capital redevelopment, this session will showcase three different models for making project ideas a reality.
Speakers: Joel Hughes, Business Development and Partnerships Manager, Crowdfunder and Ali Pretty, Artistic Director, Kinetika
#4 It’s a Material World
Hear from makers, designers and artists approaching their work from more sustainable perspectives and the inspiration and opportunities they're discovering in the process.
Speakers: Paul Smyth, Something & Son and Lynn McFarlane, CEO, Dresd
Experience the artistic excellence of the Royal Opera House first hand…
Enjoy an exciting, exclusive performance from the Royal Ballet and Jette Parker Young Artists (The Royal Opera).
Want to know what else you can expect from the day? You can view the full agenda, including a list of confirmed speakers, here: http://www.juliesbicycle.com/work/culture-change/culture-change-conference-2015
Want to attend but can’t take a full day out of your schedule? Don’t worry, you can book your free tickets and come along for your preferred sessions.
Check out the ROH Culture Change website to find out more about the programme: http://www.roh.org.uk/about/culture-change
BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/culture-change-conference-2015-registration-14373584779
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/culture-change-conference-2015-registration-14373584779
Event Location
Royal Opera House
Royal Opera House
Bow Street
Covent Garden
Telephone: 01708 892 849
Email: georgia.easteal@roh.org.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/culture-change-conference-2015-registration-14373584779