Royal Albert Memorial Museum / Events / Sat 06 Jul to Sun 27 Oct 2013 (4 months)
Masters of the Moor: William and FJ Widgery

Father and son, the landscape painters William and FJ Widgery lived and worked in Devon throughout their careers.
William Widgery (1826-1893) was entirely self-taught and developed an atmospheric style well suited to large-scale work. By contrast, his son, FJ (1861-1942), received formal art training at home and abroad. His more precise draughtsmanship was ideal for small-scale work and illustration. Though high-spirited and sociable, William seems to have been totally dedicated to painting. FJ, though a very productive artist, found time to be involved in Exeter politics and the running of RAMM. Both men drew life-long inspiration from the landscape of Devon and, above all, from Dartmoor.
This exhibition is certain to be a real pleasure for those who love the scenery of Dartmoor and South Devon.
For more information visit http://rammuseum.org.uk/exhibitions/masters-of-the-moor-william-and-fj-widgery/