Royal Albert Memorial Museum / Events / Tue 24 Sep to Wed 16 Oct 2013 (3 weeks)
Express and Echo Local Art Show 2013

This exhibition showcases the work of one local art society chosen by readers of the Express and Echo newspaper. Together with the Express and Echo RAMM invited art groups and societies whose members are largely drawn from the Exeter and the surrounding area to win the chance to exhibit a selection of their work in the Art Fund’s Museum of the Year.
Shortlisted entrants will be featured in the Express and Echo throughout August and readers will vote for their favourite one. The name of the successful group will be announced on 29 August.
Greg Sheldon, lead councillor for environment and leisure said: “There is a wealth of artistic talent in the Exeter area and this exhibition will enable one of the many groups to present their work to the people of Exeter and Devon. Exeter City Council is pleased to be working with the Express and Echo to give local groups this wonderful opportunity. I wish all the entrants the best of luck.”
For more information visit http://rammuseum.org.uk/exhibitions/express-and-echo-local-art-show-2013/