Rosemary Bonney / Events / Tue 06 Feb to Sun 15 Apr 2018 (2 months)
Dartmoor's Hidden Depths

Dartmoor’s Hidden Depths
An exhibition of paintings and photographs by landscape painter Rosemary Bonney and underwater photographer Dave Peake will be on show at The National Park Visitors Centre, Princetown, PL20 6QF from Tuesday February 6th to Sunday April 15th 2018 inclusive. Opening times: until 31st March, 10am to 3pm Tuesday-Sunday; from April 1st, 10am-5pm daily.
The exhibition explores the theme of water and Dartmoor. Rosemary’s paintings capture the majesty of Dartmoor’s rivers within the wider landscape and her more abstract paintings marry with Dave’s stunning shots of Dartmoor rivers, above, below and at the surface of the water.
For more information visit http://www.rosemarybonney.co.uk/
Event Location
Dartmoor National Park Visitors Centre
Tavistock Road
PL20 6QF
PL20 6QF
Telephone: 01822 890 414
Email: visit@dartmoor.gov.uk
Website: http://www.rosemarybonney.co.uk/