I am a Devon based artist living on the edge of Dartmoor and working from my studio in Holne. I have drawn and painted throughout my life but began painting seriously 10 years ago after a career as a scientist. I am self taught. I exhibit regularly in the South West and have work in private collections in the UK, Europe and Australia.

I am passionate about the Dartmoor landscape which provides me with endless inspiration. I interpret it in all its moods, seeking out the wilder areas of the moor and the dramatic light chances that the unpredictable weather brings.

I also enjoy painting the more intimate aspects of the landscape, particularly the profusion of wild flowers of the Devon countryside. The South West coastline also inspires me and seascapes feature in my work.

Oils and acrylics are my chosen media and rags, fingers and palette knives and sponges my preferred tools. I often supplement paint with other materials such as oil pastels, pens, pencil and natural elements such as moorland grasses and sand and may apply texture to the canvas as a prelude to painting.

View my website http://www.rosemarybonney.co.uk/

My Location

Hanging Gate

Newton Abbot
TQ13 7SR

Telephone: 01364 631 395
Email: rosbonney@gmail.com
Website: http://www.rosemarybonney.co.uk/

Profile Details


Artist, Photography

My Events

Dartmoor&apos;s Hidden Depths / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2018-02-06T00:00:00Z">Tue 06 Feb</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2018-04-15T00:00:00Z">Sun 15 Apr 2018</span> <span>(2 months)</span>Dartmoor's Hidden Depths / Tue 06 Feb to Sun 15 Apr 2018 (2 months)

Dartmoor’s Hidden Depths An exhibition of paintings and photographs by landscape painter Rosemary Bonney and underwater photographer Dave Peake wil...
