Rob Finlay / News / Tue 06 Sep 2016
Rob Finlay's new EP HALF-HEARD is released

I launched a crowd funding campaign to record and release a new 5 track EP earlier this year called HALF-HEARD. I released it to help spread the word about SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss).
In 2014 I suddenly lost the hearing in my right ear following a vaccination that went wrong. Doctors said it was. Anyone suffering with this will know it changes your life. I was very sick and have since battled with balance problems, depression and tinnitus. These symptoms make playing live difficult and so I’ve focused my energy on writing a new five track EP.
The EP contains five new songs. Most of the songs tell stories with strong female characters at the centre. Compared to my first album the production is more stripped back with a soundscape of instrumentation from additional guitars, violin, cello, and percussion. The style is singer songwriter / folk with the focus on storytelling.
By buying this EP you will help me to raise awareness of SSHL by sharing my story, which I believe will inspire people who have yet to come to terms with their own hearing loss. I have no problem in telling people that I wear a hearing aid. It’s made a massive difference to me and I want to encourage more people who are worried about the stigma around wearing a hearing aid to give it a go.
For more information visit http://www.robfinlay.co.uk/half-heard-is-released/