If you work in arts, heritage or culture I would like to advise you of a free service available to help organisations and projects like yours, based in Torbay and Plymouth, to address any potential problems they may encounter, such as financial sustainability (in the face of public sector cuts), being structured formally to allow trading and contracting to be undertaken, marketing your project, as well as one-to-one advice and support available from a business advisor. I’m sure you’ll agree its important to protect your work for future generations, so I urge you to make contact now to put in place necessary plans and prepare for unforeseen issues.
The service is being delivered on behalf of Business Link and funded by Torbay Development Agency, Plymouth City Council, South West RDA and ERDF. See www.riseforsocent.org.uk/torbayplymevents for more information.
For more information visit http://www.riseforsocent.org.uk/torbayplymevents