Right Up Our Street / Events / Tue 24 Sep to Fri 01 Nov 2019 (1 month)
Spacehive for DN Light Night

The DN Festival of Light is Right Up Our Street’s winter festival, it celebrates the diversity of our town by bringing different communities together in one space to engage in the arts and culture. Last year over 16,000 people walked through the doors of the Minster to see the Moon. If we are successful in this campaign, we'd like to supersede last years magic light wonderland and bring an even better DN Light Night to Doncaster’s doorstep.
This year we'd love to do it ALL again but we need your help! We are now fundraising to bring Doncaster another DN Light Night. Every donation will go towards scheduling art and activities that will make the event even better (and brighter) than last year! As a thank you to all of our backers, you will be given the first opportunity to secure your entrance to the Minster on Light Night, ensuring you have the full experience of the night that could not happen without your help.
Pledge just as little as £2 to help us reach our 10,000k target!
For more information visit https://www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/events/dn-light-night
Event Location
The Minster Church of St George Doncaster
9 Church St,
Email: michele@rightupourstreet.org.uk
Website: https://www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/events/dn-light-night