Right Up Our Street / Opportunities / Fri 22 Nov 2019
Volunteers for DN Light Festival 2019

We're always looking for a team of volunteers to help us bring exciting art and culture to Doncaster. Volunteers will support artists, steward events, give information to attendees, monitor numbers, provide feedback and work alongside our staff to ensure the smooth running of our events. Whether you would like to get hands on experience of working for an arts organisation, make new friends, or give some of your time to the community then we'd love to hear from you.
We are especially on the look out for our DN Festival of Light 2019, if you're interested please get in touch.
Friday the 22nd Nov until Wednesday the 27th Nov 2019.
For more information visit https://www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/volunteer-3
Opportunity Location
Doncaster Minster
Telephone: 07867 476 155
Email: michele@rightupourstreet.org.uk
Website: https://www.rightupourstreet.org.uk/volunteer-3