Right Up Our Street / Opportunities / Thu 31 May 2018
DN Festival of Light Open Call for Artists

Open Call for DN Festival of Light
This year, Right Up Our Street will be producing the first ‘DN Festival of Light’
The festival will run from 16th November until 24th November with opening evening, 16th November, being our Light Night event. We are looking for artists to respond to our theme of space and the moon for a series of commissions, bringing the spectacular Doncaster Minster and the surrounding grounds to life for the evening with inspiring and exciting work.
The Light Night evening is particularly looking for engaging light installations, walkabout performance or experience for an audience of all ages. Any proposals should be suitable for outdoors.
You could be an artist, a group or an organisation, voluntary or professional. You should have a bold and exciting idea to engage people with. This could either be delivered solely at the Light Night, throughout the week long festival of light, or could be about engaging communities ahead of the festival to create work for the event.
Financial Support
For this round of Open Calls we can give up to £2000 per commission. You can certainly apply for smaller amounts. We welcome applications where match funding has already been identified – or where there is the potential for match funding.
Application process
Applications are now open and the closing date is 31st May 2018.
To apply, complete the application form by clicking on the website link below by 12pm on the closing date.
We will acknowledge receipt of all applications as they are submitted. If you have submitted an application and do not receive an acknowledgement within two weeks, then please do contact us.
The applications will be considered by our community associates panel, chaired by the Project Director. We will carefully consider all applications submitted and are aiming to support as many ideas as we possibly can.
The Community Associates will then recommend applications to take forward, to be considered by our Consortium members.
Depending on the scale of project, applicants may either be invited to attend an interview with Consortium members and Community Associates or notified directly of their commission. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified.
About Right Up Our Street
Right Up Our Street is all about people across Doncaster borough choosing, making, seeing and sharing great art, and that includes everything from the visual arts, music and theatre right through to dance, radio, poetry and more. It’s also about maximising community involvement and making sure this art happens in surprising locations and exciting ways.
Right Up Our Street is led by a consortium of Doncaster arts organisations and supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England until 2019. It is part of Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places national programme – aimed at increasing and sustaining adult and intergenerational participation in high quality arts events in areas of previously low participation. Key partners are: darts (Doncaster Community Arts), Cast (Doncaster’s new theatre venue), DVAN (Doncaster Voluntary Arts Network), DCLT (Doncaster Culture and Leisure Trust) and Balby Community Library.
Important Notes
Right Up Our Street is also an action-research project. We ask all commissioned artists to evaluate their own work and processes as they go along and to collate data on participants and audiences. All commissioned artists are required to compile and submit short project progress reports and compiled data on all participants. This is really important to us – so do think carefully before making an application if you are happy to undertake this aspect of the project.
For more information visit https://www.cognitoforms.com/RightUpOurStreet/RightUpOurStreet
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01302 558 067
Email: hello@rightupourstreet.org.uk
Website: https://www.cognitoforms.com/RightUpOurStreet/RightUpOurStreet