Richard Povall / Opportunities / Sun 12 Oct 2014
CFP Light Exchange Conference 2015

Callout for the Light Exchange Conference January 23-24 2014
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In the darkest time of the year the Light Exchange Conference focuses on light as an agent of transformation. In late January the extraordinary formal gardens here at Dartington Hall begin their journey of re-birth with white camellias just beginning to emerge as snowdrops fill the hillside. By the end of January there is a palpable shift from the very darkest and shortest days of the year, as if the smell of light begins to suffuse the earth.
Light transforms. It manipulates depth and perception, revealing or obscuring worlds around us and the art we create. The natural world relies primarily on signals from daylight to sense its way into the year: temperatures, winds, moisture, it seems, matter little when compared to signals from the sky and the sun. Yet the sun’s light not only generates growth and life, it makes life visible, perceptible, recognisable and becomes its own metaphor for knowledge and ‘enlightenment’.
We are inviting all those with a creative or intellectual engagement with light to join us in two days of workshops, presentations, art events, and food. Dartington is renowned for challenging boundaries between artforms, and we welcome artists, scientists, academics, designers and anyone else moved by or motivated by light to join us. We encourage formats that resist academic convention, such as very short formats, discursive or practical formats -- pretty much anything else you’d care to propose. This can include workshops or other practical activities designed for outdoors, taking into account the weather conditions you’ll be likely to encounter.
The conference is part of the Light Exchange project which also includes a major touring exhibition exploring how artists transfigure light through different materials and media. The renowned curator Judith Collins has worked alongside Dartmoor artist Garry Fabian Miller to create an exhibition featuring the luminous. It includes work by Fabian Miller, who uses light to print directly onto photographic paper and whose extraordinary work is represented in collections across the globe, alongside select paintings and ceramics from the Dartington collection: works by Cecil Collins, Winifred Nicholson, Christopher Wood, and Lucy Rie, amongst others.
Proposals are due no later than noon on Sunday Monday October 12 2014 via the form at lightexchange.info (http://www.lightexchange.info) If you have any questions you can email Cat.Radford@dartington.org or Richard.Povall@dartington.org (mailto:Richard.Povall@dartington.org) .
The Light Exchange Conference is part of Dartington Arts Learning programme and a key component of the Light Exchange project. For more information about the event visit lightexchange.info (http://www.lightexchange.info) .
The Arts at Dartington is part of the Dartington Hall Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and as a charity (company no. 1485560, charity no. 279756). Registered office: The Elmhirst Centre, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EL, United Kingdom
For more information visit http://www.lightexchange.info/
Opportunity Location
Dartington Hall
Dartington Hall
Telephone: 07968 208 583
Email: artslearning@dartington.org
Website: http://www.lightexchange.info/