Artist Rich Spicer / News / Mon 25 Mar 2013
New art classes starting in May. Let me be your guide...

Bruce Lee once said that a teacher does not instruct but merely guides. Thank you Mr lee as I couldn't have said it better myself.
This is your journey and I am merely there to guide you to reach your goal.
It may be you just want to learn to draw better of learn some techniques or you may be a pro looking for some social activity outside of the studio solitude.
Whatever it is you will be welcome at my workshops where you will discover a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Refreshments are provided as are all models when required. I even have supply discount cards for students. Bulk lessons available with discounts.
So what are you waiting for...come and discover the alchemy of art with me, Rich Spicer
Starting in May in East Preston (Thursdays) and Goring (Mondays)
See you there folks!
www.richspicer.com for more information
For more information visit http://www.richspicer.com/
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United Kingdom
Telephone: 01903 856 390
Email: info@richspicer.com
Website: http://www.richspicer.com/