Redbourn Players / Events / Thu 03 to Sat 05 Dec 2015 (3 days)
Pirates from Atlantis

Pirates from Atlantis, a Pantomime by Ted Hughes
When an evil princess takes over Atlantis, chaos ensues above and under the sea. Adding to the disaster is a holiday hungry pub owner, a young maid pining for her love at sea, a puny captain, and a sea chest. Can all these elements combine and save the seven seas from a very fishy fate..Turn up and find out! Featuring a cast of pirates, dock workers, mermaids and sailors. Includes hornpipes, shanties, sea battles, and the laughter comes in waves!
£9 per person
£7 concession
Curtain Rises:
Thursday 3rd December: 7.30pm
Friday 4th December: 7.30pm
Saturday 5th December: 2.00pm and 6.00pm
Box Offices:
Ashtons Estate Agents: 01582 793555
Arrangements (Florist): 01582 792367
Central: 01582 622667
Main Cast (in order of appearance):
Squibs Hilary Violentano
Sharkina Holly Howell
Oceanna Becky Vernon-Clinch
Grand Godolphin Martin Howe
Mr Fish Mario Violentano
Mrs Chips Benita Gilliam
Captain Cutlass David Howell
Helmsman Martin Boutland
Winkle Andy Turner
Bosun Peter Davies
Purdy Peppercorn Clive Crowther
Polly Peppercorn Nancy Goodchild
Jack Courage Will Smith
Redd Rhumm Euan Howell
Pearl (mermaid) Lucy Goodchild
Marina (mermaid) Kim Marston Taylor
Coral (mermaid) Ann Mundye
Event Location
Redbourn Village Hall
63 High Street