Red Dragonfly Productions / News / Mon 15 Feb 2016
Chinese Classic To Visit Halifax Before West End Transfer

DiaoChan: Rise of The Courtesan.
DiaoChan: The Rise of The Courtesan is touring the UK prior to opening at the Arts Theatre in London's West End, so this is your last chance to see the show for a reasonable price at the Square Chapel Centre for the Arts in Halifax on 3rd March 2016.
Taken from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and often referred to as the Chinese Macbeth, this is an epic tale of lust, jealousy and revenge, and it has been adapted for the stage by nominated British writer Ross Ericson - whose five star solo play 'The Unknown Soldier' has just received much critical acclaim at Edinburgh Fringe 2015.
'Us Europeans can often find classical Chinese drama a little impenetrable,' said Ericson, 'so my job has been to put the story into a structure and language that would be familiar to European audiences, whilst retaining the authenticity and spirit of the original text.'
The Empire is in turmoil and the tyrant DongZhuo, with the great warrior LuBu at his side, is systematically putting to the sword all those who oppose him. The minister WangYun fears for the lives of his family, but when both DongZhuo and LuBu show a lustful interest in DiaoChan - a singing girl of WangYun’s household - she comes up with a plan that could solve both their problems – a plan that would see DongZhuo fall and see her rise to the ranks of the nobility.
"A wonderful experience to explore the culture and traditions of ancient China through their own mythology, in a manner that will appeal to everyone." - British Theatre Guide on The Autumn of Han
"Sumptuously costumed... a richly talented and promising ensemble." - The Stage on The Autumn of Han
The production is supported by Unity Theatre Trust and using public funding by Arts Council England.
Thursday 3 March 2016
Square Chapel Centre for the Arts, 10 Square Road, Halifax HX1 1QG
Evening: 8pm
Box Office: 01422 349422
Website: www.squarechapel.co.uk
Twitter: @SquareChapel
Tickets: http://www.squarechapel.co.uk/whats-on/diaochan-rise-courtesan/
For more information visit http://www.squarechapel.co.uk/whats-on/diaochan-rise-courtesan/
News Location
Square Chapel Centre for the Arts
10 Square Road, Halifax
Telephone: 01422 349 422
Email: mic.reddragonfly@gmail.com
Website: http://www.squarechapel.co.uk/whats-on/diaochan-rise-courtesan/