Random Acts Theatre / News / Tue 06 Dec 2011
Press Preview Night of Stephen Fechter's 'The Woodsman'

Press Preview Night
E-mail Kate Wilson on audiencedevelopment@randomactstheatre.org to be added to the guest list.
Exeter Phoenix Black Box
Saturday January 28th
Random Acts Theatre continues its tradition of excellence presenting a two week run of Steven Fetcher's The Woodsman. The portrait of a life a once brilliant craftsman, formerly convicted criminal, Walter, finds himself released from jail having served a sentence of twelve years. With few prospects and plagued by doubts of his ability to reform, Walter endures solitude, alienation, and contempt while desperately seeking his own redemption.
Adapted into the multi-award-winning 2004 film featuring Kevin Bacon and Mos Def, Fetcher's play examines the various levels of prejudice and tolerance we give to those rehabilitated in the eyes of the law, and our insistence on keeping them condemned in our own.
A Random Acts Production Directed by Adam Brummitt
Tim Metcalfe-Wood as 'Walter'
Daisy Dugmoore as 'Nikki'
Richard Ings as 'Lucas'
Steve Harris as 'Carlos'
Stage Managed by Claudia Ciscneros-Foster
'Brummitt's technique is faultless and his talent undeniable as he delivers a powerful virtuoso performance'
Remote Goat (on The Gog/Magog Project)
'Brummitt is undoubtedly a talent to be reckoned with. His work with Random Acts Theatre is ongoing, and he has been part of a number of exciting and interesting productions of which I hope to witness many more...'
The Journal (on Adam Brummitt's This Go 'Round)