Rachael Walker / Events / Fri 15 Apr 2016
Made in Huddersfield 2 at Coffee Evolution

Made in Huddersfield is back for the second instalment this spring!
We’re planning to make it bigger and better than last time, still a mix of all things Huddersfield but with live music to round off the evening.
We want Made in Huddersfield events to be sustainable and to explore ways of generating income for artists, makers and musicians, and so we will be asking people to make a "pay as you feel" contribution on the night. In order to keep things fair between different participants, for this event, works in the exhibition can't be for sale, but artists will be given an equal share of whatever donations are made during the event. The organisers of the event are all volunteers and will not be paid so and any support you give will be greatly received!
Event Details:
Coffee Evolution
Drawing Table - 7.30-10.00 upstairs
Music - 8pm to 10pm upstairs
Food and drinks- for sale during the evening
Craft workshops downstairs, running 7.30-9.30
Accross Both Floors:
New exhibition launch in Coffee Evolution - artist(s) selected from an open call, curated by the Made in Huddersfield Collective.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/madeinhuddersfield/
Event Location
Coffee Evolution
8 Church Street
Telephone: 07903 856 166
Email: rachlwalker@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/madeinhuddersfield/