Rachael Gorton / Events / Tue 09 Nov to Tue 14 Dec 2021 (1 month)
Renaissance Art And Harewood House

Harewood House offers a rare opportunity to see examples of Renaissance art at first hand, here in West Yorkshire! Through works in the Harewood collection we will explore what "Renaissance art" means: Analysis of individual works will help us to establish artistic characteristics, conventions, themes and influences common to Renaissance artists, whilst also comparing and contrasting artworks both within the collection and with well-known examples of Renaissance art elsewhere. We will further consider the unique context of Harewood House for Renaissance art, exploring how and why Renaissance art arrived here, alongside how it is interpreted, valued and presented. We will finally explore Renaissance influences on Harewood House in the broader visual and applied arts, considering the continuing significance of continental Renaissance art in this English country house setting.
For more information visit https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679930
Event Location
Online, via Zoom
Telephone: 030 0303 3464
Email: courseenquiries@wea.org.uk
Website: https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679930