Rachael Gorton / Events / Wed 03 Nov to Wed 08 Dec 2021 (1 month)
Art Appreciation: Art & The Yorkshire Landscape

Whilst the subject of landscape has been familiar and celebrated in art for centuries, the Yorkshire landscape has captured the imagination of well-known artists from different periods, using various media and approaches, including JMW Turner, Barbara Hepworth, David Hockney and John Piper. This online, welcoming and discursive course will explore familiar practitioners from a range of backgrounds, eras and disciplines as well as lesser-known figures and more marginalised practices. You will have the opportunity to develop your appreciation of a range of visual approaches to the landscape and to introduce and present artists and works relating to this subject which you find interesting. We will explore the notion of a sense of place alongside the arts infrastructure and broader social, cultural and political concerns within Yorkshire. We will further compare and contrast interpretations and discuss Yorkshire landscapes alongside the wider landscape genre of European art.
For more information visit https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679860
Event Location
Online, via Zoom
Telephone: 030 0303 3464
Email: courseenquiries@wea.org.uk
Website: https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679860