Rachael Gorton / Events / Wed 12 Jan to Wed 16 Feb 2022 (1 month)
Art And Industry In Yorkshire

Yorkshire has a strong association with the industrial revolution and several artists have responded to this theme in their works over a range of periods and practices. This online, welcoming and discursive course will explore familiar artists from a range of backgrounds and disciplines from the 19th century to today, alongside lesser-known figures and more marginalised practices. You will have the opportunity to develop your appreciation of a range of visual approaches to industry and to introduce and present artists which you find interesting. We will explore the visual impact of industry in Yorkshire, including on the landscape and people, as well as industry as a colourful motif, whether heritage or modern. We will discuss industrial art within the context of regional history & culture, consider a sense of place, identity and morality among practitioners and subjects, and place industrial art in Yorkshire into the wider context of developments in British and European art.
For more information visit https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679861
Event Location
Online, via Zoom
Telephone: 030 0303 3464
Email: courseenquiries@wea.org.uk
Website: https://enrolonline.wea.org.uk/Online/2021/CourseInfo.aspx?r=C3679861