Rabbit Attack PR / Events / Fri 09 Jan 2015
Rock V Punk on Riviera Rocks This Friday

Do you like Rock music? or do you prefer punk?
Jade & Fran will be playing the best rock & punk tunes and discussing the influence one has had on the other this Friday at 3pm . . . .
Riviera Rocks radio show on www.riviera.fm
- Fridays 3pm-5pm (UK) (4-6pm Espana) (7-9am USA west coast)
- listen online or with FREE tune-in app on phone
www.riviera.fm - click on LISTEN LIVE
Riviera Rocks! on Riviera FM with Lady Jade & Miss Fran-tastic - playing 20th century classic rock & punk tunes:
60's garage punk
60's psychedelic rock
70's new york punk
70's British punk
60's-80's classic rock
70's-80's glam rock
90's skater punk
90's L.A. rock
Some more current rock tunes also
Friday January 9th - Listen to RIVIERA ROCKS from anywhere in the world, via internet on www.riviera.fm or on your phone with the free tune-in app - - > 20th century rock & punk! (with a few 21st century tunes!)