PUNY GODS! Becuase films you have already seen are boring
PUNY GODS aim is to create a more social brand of cinema, popping up in unusual locations and playing an eclectic mix of new films, more like a live music event than your traditional multiplex.
The aim is to showcase the best of Devon and international filmmaking in ever changing and interesting venues and to make your visit to this Cinema one where you can, talk, drink and make friends. Devon has a wealth of filmmaking talent to draw upon from MOMA artists, like Ben Borley, to crowd funding record breakers, like Realm Pictures, to BAFTA winners, like Rob Brown and Robin Whenary. Filmmakers are often in attendance and happy to talk about their films and it gives new talent the opportunity to meet each other and get feedback from a genuine audience.
PUNY GODS! Cinemas have taken over city centre shops, played ping pong and been open air. We've been part of Open Studios Exeter, PUMA & Love Film's Films4Peace and Unexpected Exeter.
View my website http://www.punygods.com/
My Location
Somewhere in Devon
Telephone: 07527 449 992
Email: punygodscinema@gmail.com
Website: http://www.punygods.com/
My News
Opportunity for Devon Filmmakers - Bill Douglas Cinema Museum / Fri 18 Apr 2014
On Sunday the 1st of June PUNY GODS! will take over the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum at the University of Exeter and turn into a Cinema playing local an...