Proper Job Theatre / Events / Wed 07 to Sat 31 Oct 2015 (4 weeks)
Nosferatu Tour

Looking for something a little bit different for Halloween?
Huddersfield based Proper Job Theatre Company are touring their latest show, Nosferatu this Autumn in venues across the North of England.
It’s one hour before dawn
On the blood dark sea the ship is barely moving
There’s a sail as torn as a shattered shirt
Something is aboard the ship
With a mixture of breathtaking illusions and trickery, an original musical score and a libretto from the acclaimed poet Ian McMillan this production promises to live long in the memory. In the last hour before sunrise, Nosferatu tells the dark and mysterious tale of the sailors in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, as they journey from Varna to Whitby with an unknown cargo…
‘…simply be advised that this is fantastic theatre’ THE LIST
For tour dates go to:
For more information visit http://www.properjob.org.uk/nosferatu-tour-dates-2015-updated.html
Event Location
Proper Job Theatre
48a Byram Arcade
Telephone: 01484 514 687
Email: mail@properjob.org.uk
Website: http://www.properjob.org.uk/nosferatu-tour-dates-2015-updated.html