
facemediagroup printing company

Sussex based online printing company. Covering the whole of the UK with the help of national couriers.

Facemediagroup spends over £600,000 on print each year, enableing so incredible buying power in the print market. Selling over 8 different types of business cards, from £12 a set, through to £12 a card... Literally to suit any budget.

For facemediagroup, its all about ink on paper... If it can be printed, then facemediagroup can do it. Visit the website for a browse,or call the office and talk to an experienced member of staff.

View my website http://facemediagroup.co.uk/

My Location


Victoria House
Vale Road
BN41 1GG

Telephone: 033 3800 0888
Email: info@facemediagroup.co.uk
Website: http://facemediagroup.co.uk/

My Friends

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