Princess Theatre Torquay / Events / Fri 12 Dec 2014 to Sun 04 Jan 2015 (3 weeks)
Panto '14 starring Mark Jenkins from channel 4's 'The Hotel'

New Pantomime Productions present....
Friday 12 Dec ’14 – Sunday 4 Jan ‘15
Everyone likes a lie-in, but Sleeping Beauty takes it to a whole new level. Cursed by an evil fairy she is doomed to slumber forever until she is awoken by true lo...ve’s kiss!
Something different this Christmas! Embrace that Friday feeling at the Princess Theatre!
Want to get out and participate in the festive cheer but all you really want to do is pull on your PJ’s? .... Well why not do both!
To celebrate the premier of the magical family pantomime Sleeping Beauty, why not join us for Pyjama Fridays!
Every Friday throughout the pantomime we are encouraging audience members to come in their pyjamas.
So be a Sleeping Beauty and enjoy the panto in your PJs!
Every Friday performance: 12th, 19th and 26th Dec plus 2nd Jan.
Why not visit our indulgent hot chocolate station and enjoy a rich hot chocolate with your choice of toppings or flavours plus a homemade Christmas cookie, gingerbread man or mince pie or if you would prefer, choose a delicious milkshake instead!
Pantomime in your PJ’s with delicious hot chocolate. What could be better than that?!
Leah Bracknell – Emmerdale
David Heath – X Factor’s Eton Road
Mark Jenkins – Star of the hit channel 4 series ‘The Hotel’
David Sparkle
Matt Dallen
Helen Kent and
Carly Nickson
Set your alarm clocks for this year’s fun-filled pantomime- Sleeping Beauty.
The Perfect Festive Family Treat!
For more information visit http://www.atgtickets.com/torquay
Event Location
Princess Theatre
Torbay Road
Telephone: 01803 206 360
Website: http://www.atgtickets.com/torquay