Plymouth College of Art / News / Fri 21 Oct 2011
Young people invited to turn their trash into treasures!

Graphic Design and Illustration tutors at Plymouth College of Art are inviting young people across the South West to get creative and enter a new and exciting up-cycling competition for the chance to win an iPod.
Young people between the ages of 14 and 18 are being asked to turn waste items or un-wanted products - such as clothes, shoes, books and furniture - into interesting and new materials or products that can be re-used or sold. For example old CDs can be turned into jewellery, plastic bags can be transformed into fashion items and a pair of old jeans can be given a new lease of life as a stylish bag – the possibilities are endless!
Steven Forsyth, Extended Diploma Graphics and Illustration Course Leader, said: “In a world where so much is thrown away, the well-known saying ‘one person's trash is another person's treasure’ is a central theme to this fun and creative competition. We wish all participants the very best of luck and look forward to viewing their final designed entries.”
The judging panel of tutors from the Extended Diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration will be looking for the most creative and imaginative entries that are either usable or visually attractive.
The emphasis of the competition is to showcase the creativity and original ideas of young people across the region but it’s also about highlighting the journey that participants take through the design process and how fun and rewarding that journey can be.
To acknowledge the development process, entrants are also required to submit alongside their final product:
An illustrative A5 instruction booklet with a minimum of four pages. The booklet needs to describe how the product has been constructed and how the original idea was conceived.
At least two A3 Design sheets to include annotated research, mind-maps, lists, thumbnails sketches and explanations.
Entries should be handed in to reception staff at Plymouth College of Art marked for the attention of Steven Forsyth by 28 January 2012. Entries must include your name, age, address, contact number/email address and if applicable your school/college and the name of your Art teacher.
All prize winners will receive a certificate acknowledging their entry. Winners and runners up will be informed by post and invited to attend a prize giving celebration at Plymouth College of Art. The first prize is an iPod, second prize is £50 and there are five prizes of £25 that will be awarded to work which is highly commended.
Should you require further information please contact either Steven Forsyth sforsyth@plymouthart.ac.uk or Alan Lemin alemin@plymouthart.ac.uk or call 01752 203434 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01752 203434 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/news/index.php?category=News-and-Events&page=Press&id=26&newsArticle_id=3777