Plymouth College of Art / Events / Wed 21 Mar 2012
Rod Hunt - Public Talk at Plymouth College of Art

Rod Hunt is a London based illustrator and artist who has built a reputation for retro-tinged illustrations and detailed character filled landscapes.
With UK and International clients spanning publishing, advertising design and new media, he's illustrated everything from book covers to advertising campaigns, theme park maps, iPhone Apps and even the odd large scale illustration too!
Rod is also the illustrator behind the best-selling Where's Stig? for the BBC's hit TV show Top Gear. Rod is currently Chairman of the Association of Illustrators.
The AOI was established in 1973 to advance and protect illustrator's rights and encourage professional standards.
The talk will take place from 6pm to 7pm in the Studio Theatre at Plymouth College of Art.
Places are limited, booking for the talk is essential. To book phone 01752 203 434 or email infoservices@plymouthart.ac.uk
For more information visit http://www.rodhunt.com/
Event Location
Studio Theatre
Plymouth College of Art
Tavistock Place
Telephone: 01752 203 434
Email: infoservices@plymouthart.ac.uk
Website: http://www.rodhunt.com/