Plymouth College of Art / News / Wed 10 Aug 2011
Plymouth College of Art launches exciting new Short Courses

Plymouth College of Art is delighted to announce an exciting new programme of engaging short courses and evening taster sessions for 2011/2012.
Whether you are looking to re-ignite your creative passion or learn a completely new skill, there is something for everyone.
The programme includes short courses in Fashion, Printing and Textiles, Photography, Contemporary Crafts, Literature, Graphic Design, Drawing and Painting.
As one of only four specialist Art Colleges in the country, learners will be making use of excellent high quality equipment and teaching resources.
Taster sessions will be taking place at the College on Monday 19 September and on Monday 26 September from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. They have been designed to give an insight into your chosen topic and introduce some basic techniques and equipment.
Ten week short courses at all levels will be running throughout the year, starting in October 2011 and in January and April 2012.
There are beginner, intermediate and advanced level courses, enabling those with no prior experience to benefit as well as those who have already developed skills in their chosen field.
The programmes are designed to be flexible and experimentation will be encouraged as you progress in your creative journey.
Project Manager Laura Wasley, who coordinated the programme, said: “This year the improved and expanded short course programme at the college is better than ever.
There is the opportunity to try your hand at a great variety of creative practices in a supportive environment with excellent facilities and resources.”
Enrolling on a short course at Plymouth College of Art is a great way to develop your creativity whist meeting like-minded people.”
All courses are available to book online at www.plymouthart.ac.uk/shortcourses. Places are limited so early booking is recommended. Full details of booking terms and conditions can be found on the website.
You can also contact Plymouth College of Art Information Services on 01752 203434 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01752 203434 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for further information, or email shortcourses@plymouthart.ac.uk.
Prices range from £95 to £180 for a ten week course. Payment can be made in full or via instalments if the total amount for all courses booked exceeds £200.
Image by Jannie Pointing
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/shortcourses