Plymouth College of Art / News / Wed 31 Mar 2010
Photographer snaps up Fuji Award

A photographer from Plymouth College of Art has won a top award in the global Fujifilm Distinction Awards 2009 with a portrait of his sister.
Dom Moore, who is studying a Foundation Degree in photography, won a merit award as well as coming third in the Distinction Awards.
Dom said: “The judges chose my image because they liked my sister Poppy’s attitude in the image. She also won an award on the same day I found out about my win, so it was a good day for my Mum, who is very proud!”
The competition was an open brief and the only specification was that entrants used Fuji film. Dom’s winning image was a portrait of his younger sister Poppy Mills, 13, in a play park at Central Park in Plymouth. He added: “I’m absolutely chuffed to bits with this award and it’s brilliant for me to win something like this so early in my photography career.”
Dave Kinney, Photography Programme Leader at Plymouth College of Art said: “It’s fantastic news for both Dom and the College as a whole. We insist that all of our students enter competitions such as these because it gets results for students and showcases the great talent we get on all of our Programmes. This is one of the most prestigious awards in the global photographic calendar so we are very proud of Dom's achievement."
Judge Aidan Sullivan commented on the entry: "Dom's submission has a raw kind of innocence to it - it's a really sweet portrait."
Dom was invited to a private view of the Awards exhibition, which runs from Friday 26th February - Friday 9th April 2010 at the Bayeux Labs in London.
The judges of the Awards were Camilla Brown from The Photographers’ Gallery, Aidan Sullivan, a photographer from Getty Images, Simon Roberts, and Jerry Deeney from Fujifilm Professional.
To see more of Dom’s images visit www.domMoore.carbonmade.com
For more information visit http://www.domMoore.carbonmade.com/
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Website: http://www.domMoore.carbonmade.com/