Plymouth College of Art / News / Tue 12 Oct 2010
Meet the Principal at Plymouth College of Art

Andrew Brewerton is opening Plymouth College of Art's new doors to visitors from all over the country at the College’s Open Day on Wednesday 20 October.
As well as a special welcome from Mr Brewerton, who will tell students and their families about the College, visitors will be able to see the new Gallery, try out taster sessions and workshops, and watch a screening of films made by students.
Leonie Beaglehole, Head of Marketing, said: “Students across the country are starting to look at their options for UCAS for next year so this is always a busy Open Day for us and we have over 190 people expected on the day.
“It’s important to know that students wanting to start a course this year are not too late to apply, as there are limited places available on post GCSE and degree programmes.”
Those who attend the event, which runs from 3pm to 8pm, will be able to get a feel for student life when they meet staff and students, get information from lecturers on the wide range of courses available, and take a tour of the specialist learning facilities.
In addition, two new free courses have been announced for students age 16-18, starting in December and January to fast-track students onto art courses and create a better portfolio to get them onto an art course. These will be offered during the daytimes and evenings at the College.
Registration for the Open Day can be done online at www.plymouthart.ac.uk, by calling 01752 203434 for more information, or simply by turning up on the day.
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/openday
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Website: http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/openday