Plymouth College of Art / Events / Fri 04 to Sat 05 Nov 2011 (2 days)
Forging Fawkes – Blacksmithing Event at Plymouth College of Art

This November Plymouth College of Art will be throwing the doors open to its professionally equipped Blacksmithing studio, inviting local blacksmiths and members of the public to try it out.
Across the two day event industry professionals and members of the public will get the chance to explore the College’s 200 square metre purpose built metals workshop which is equipped with a range of forges, a power hammer, welding equipment and a cutting, welding and grinding area.
On Friday 4 November practicing Blacksmiths from across the UK, including members of the British Artist Blacksmith Association, will be invited to Plymouth College of Art to showcase their work and exchange knowledge, skills and ideas with others in the industry.
Britain’s leading female artist blacksmith Bex Simon, who recently appeared on the BBC show High Street Dreams, will be attending the event and giving a talk on Friday about her work and where it has taken her. She will also be setting the experts a competition to create ‘something to wear’, which she will judge and announce the winner on the following day.
On Saturday 5 November members of the public can come and have a look at an exhibition of the work of the practicing Blacksmiths who are attending. People will also be given the chance to use the equipment and see whether they have a hidden talent for forging hot metals!
If you would like to attend, or would like to be sent further details and itinerary, please call Richard Wood on 01752 203 434 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01752 203 434 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
For more information visit http://flameacademy.wordpress.com/2011/08/24/forging-fawkes/