Plymouth College of Art / News / Fri 06 May 2011
Fashion tips for this season - make sure you stay bang on trend!

Local stylist and BA Hons Fashion student at Plymouth College of Art shares his top tips for looking good from top to toe for the summer season..
Pastel colours are the way forward, and this season, less is most definitely more!
Men: A casual tailored look is the key aesthetic for this summer’s fashion, with tailored shorts and thin blazers
Women: maxi dresses with a bohemian feel, interesting textile prints, and big SATC hats
Feet are very important – key looks are closed toe shoes such as loafers. No socks what so ever! (Unless you are going for a smarter look for a day in the office you should wear trousers with brightly coloured socks – and no knitted socks)
Socks and sandals is the worse fashion faux pax. Flip flops are only really a good look at the beach
Skin! There are ways of wearing a shirt that are better, such as oversized and loose. But there is only so much you need to see. (If you are walking around the city centre, it’s not necessary to show lots of skin)
Cardigans are ok but they should not be tight, but be draped to finish a look. In fact, all clothes for this season should be oversized where possible
Vintage luggage finishes off a holiday look perfectly, cases and bags can often be found in charity shops
For more information about studying fashion at Plymouth College of Art visit www.plymouthart.ac.uk
Many thanks to Chris McGovern
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/prospectus/Degree-and-Honours/BA-Topup/BA-%28Hons%29-Fashion-/FAFB1A1112