Plymouth College of Art / News / Fri 27 Aug 2010
Exciting new opportunities for 16-18 year old budding gamers

With the gaming industry being bigger than ever and the global gaming market being worth £18 billion; it’s no wonder there is a booming opportunity for Game Design related careers.
Here at Plymouth College of Art we have recognised this opportunity and are very excited to add to our existing range of courses a diploma designed specifically for 16-18 year olds in Game Design.
The Creative and Media Diploma in Interactive Media and Game Arts will start from September 2010 and allow students to develop their skills in creative design and multimedia as well as exploring audiovisual technology. Limited places are still available for entry this September.
David Rogers achieved a First Class Honours Degree in Design for Games at Plymouth College of Art, is now working as a freelancer producing artwork for games. He said: "I know a lot of young people who would be interested in studying to work in this industry, being able to study something you love doing is always important for success.
“I can remember how great it was at Plymouth College of Art when we showed our work at the Summer Show to friends and families, it was an amazing feeling and I found all the lecturers at the College to be really supportive during my studies.”
On the course, students will be able to explore software such as Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, 3D, Studio Max, Premiere and Maya.
This gives 16-18 year olds a chance to make a career from something they are passionate about, as well as being a stepping stone to the BA (Hons) Design for Games at the College, if they want to carry on to study further.
Why not head onto our micro site and have a go at some of the games designed by our students to give you an idea of what is achievable. Log onto http://online.plymouthart.ac.uk/fdagames/
Apply online now, or come to a Further Education Open Day on 18 September 10am-1pm. For more information and to register visit www.plymouthart.ac.uk or telephone 01752 203434.
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/prospectus/Further-Education/Creative-and-Media-Diploma-in-Interactive-Media-and-Game-Arts/DCMA1B1011