Plymouth College of Art / Events / Wed 19 Oct 2011
Come and discover the best kept secret in Plymouth

Students throughout the UK and beyond are invited to explore their creativity at an Open Day at Plymouth College of Art on Wednesday 19th October from 3pm to 7pm.
This event is the first of four open days planned over the coming academic year, with open days also taking place on Saturday 10 December, Saturday 28 January and Saturday 12 May.
The open day at Plymouth College of Art will include tours of the college’s specialist facilities, workshops and studio spaces. Students will get the chance to talk to tutors about their courses, the specialist teaching available and the many career pathways within the creative industries.
Hayley Partridge, Events Officer at Plymouth College of Art, said: “This is a chance for students and their families to come and discover the best kept secret in Plymouth. Open days at Plymouth College of Art are always fun and informative and we always embrace the opportunity to really show off Plymouth as a great student destination bursting with creative inspiration.”
The Student Support team will also be on hand throughout the event giving up-to-date information and advice about financial support and bursaries available. Specialist members of the team can also answer questions about the different types of learner support available at the college.
As one of just four specialist art colleges in the country, Plymouth College of Art hosts industry standard facilities including a glass facility and a range of over 7,000 pieces of photographic and film kit.
Plymouth College of Art offers an exciting range of art, design and media courses for students from the age of four, with Saturday Arts Club, right through to Masters Programmes.
The College offers a suite of creative A Levels, the BTEC First Diploma in Art & Design, a range of BTEC Extended Diplomas, a post-A Level Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, as well as many Foundation Degrees and BA (Honours) Degrees.
Come and find out more at our Open Days, the first of which runs from 3pm to 7pm on Wednesday 19th October 2011. Register your place online at www.plymouthart.ac.uk/openday or telephone 01752 203434 for more information - or just come along on the day. We look forward to meeting you!
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/openday
Event Location
Website: http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/openday