Plymouth College of Art / News / Fri 09 Sep 2011
Have a go and get creative with free Taster Sessions

Plymouth College of Art is offering free creative taster sessions as part of the "Have A Go" campaign through World Skills London 2011 on Monday 19 September and on Monday 26 September from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
The aim of the "Have A Go" campaign is to encourage one million people across the country to participate in an activity to develop their skills and get involved in something new. These free taster sessions also mark the start of our exciting new programme of short courses that will be running throughout the next year.
On Monday 19 September there are taster sessions in Fashion, Print, Photography, Blacksmithing and Art Textiles. On Monday 26 September you can have a taste of Ceramics, Jewellery, Poetry, Life Drawing or Illustration.
Each session has been designed to give an insight into a creative skill of your choice and to introduce some basic techniques and equipment. These inspiring sessions may help you decide whether to enrol on one of the ten week short courses.
Laura Wasley, Project Manager at Plymouth College of Art, has put together the short course programme and says: “This year the improved and expanded short course programme at the college is better than ever.
“These free taster sessions are a fantastic opportunity to try your hand at a creative skill and make use of the excellent facilities and resources at the College.
“If you’ve been considering enrolling on a creative short course then this is the ideal opportunity to try before you buy. You never know, you might uncover a hidden talent!”
Whether you are looking to re-ignite your creative passion or learn a completely new skill, there is something for everyone on the short course programme with beginner, intermediate and advanced level courses.
The taster sessions are available to book online at www.plymouthart.ac.uk/shortcourses. Places are limited so early booking is recommended. Full details of booking terms and conditions can be found on the website.
You can also contact Plymouth College of Art Information Services on 01752 203434 for further information, or email shortcourses@plymouthart.ac.uk.
For more information visit http://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/index.php?category=Student-experience&page=Part-Time-Courses&id=284&pt_cat=Taster