Plymouth College of Art / News / Tue 02 Feb 2010
Bridging the gap - a new exhibition

A new exhibition of contemporary Applied Arts will be held at the Viewpoint Gallery in February at Plymouth College of Art.
The aim of the project is to inspire, raise awareness, and show the versatility of contemporary Applied Arts.
Curator of the Viewpoint Gallery, Hannah Jones, said: “Applied Arts is a wide ranging art form. It is design-led, with a contemporary approach to craft based materials and techniques.
“The role of craft has been interpreted differently within the art world, in Applied Arts we bridge the art and craft - we design and make.
“This exhibition shows innovation, creativity, originality and a high degree of skilled workmanship across the different disciplines of Applied Arts.”
All the work on display has been recently produced by Applied Arts at Plymouth College of Art. All are practitioners and representing every area of the department including both academic and technical staff.
Artists include:
Bill Wroath, Lawrence West, Richard Wood, Hayley Jacks, Melissa Choroszewska, Dan Chapple, John Newton, Amy Whittingham, Sue Macgillivray, Maria Whetman, Ian Hankey, Jane Hope, Martin Ellison, Fiona Lloyd.
The exhibition will run from February 8 – February 27, with an Opening night on February 10 from 5.30pm-7.30pm.
For more information about Plymouth College of Art, please visit www.plymouthart.ac.uk.
For more information visit http://viewpoint.plymouthart.ac.uk/?page_id=3